Aaaaa, super cute and colorful~! 💚
Aaaaa, super cute and colorful~! 💚
thank you Joli
Creepy and kind of horrible, but in a good way~
It's what I do babes ; 3
It sure is Roll-chan all up over here.
Legs seem a bit short (might be the perspective), but she looks cool otherwise!
Yeah, usually when it comes to posting traditional art, I'm never able to take the picture straight on and the top/bottom of the drawing always seems to be bigger/shorter/blurrier(?)/etc. Still though, thank you for the feedback. ^^
Goodness gracious, this is one of the cutest pixel-style Rolls ever! Nicely done!
thank you aaaaa !!!
He looks like he'd rather be literally anywhere else but there.
His loss, I suppose~
Nah, that's just his normal face lmao. He's enjoying it deep down.
Keeeeeep waitin'! (,:
*plays still waiting by Sum 41*
I'll never-ever support this ship, but gosh darn it, this is just too cute!
As I said before, to each on their own, but thank you for your praise! I'm glad you liked the artwork anyway. 😊
Absolutely adorable! Perfection! Roll looks so great in this style~!
Thank you!
I will never support this pairing.
But, dang if that's not hilarious.
(Art's really good, too. 👍)
Well, that's fine, to each on their own. 👐 Glad you at least enjoyed the joke and the style lol.
Me alegra que te guste.
I dunno what to tell you about myself.
I like music and video games, and I've been for years. Also, I like Roll. (:
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