Nice redraw.
Nice redraw.
Near-perfection! Capcom's finest fighters all in one picture!♥
Except… where's Princess Devilotte de Death Satan IX? Hee hee.
DLN-002 is #1~!
He looks like he'd rather be literally anywhere else but there.
His loss, I suppose~
Nah, that's just his normal face lmao. He's enjoying it deep down.
Huh. She looks different! Shorter, maybe. And with less… "scuff", let's call it.
It's amazing what a little ink and paint can do to a gal~
Lookin' business-AWESOME, Roll! ♥
The ultimate housekeeping duo~!
Keeeeeep waitin'! (,:
*plays still waiting by Sum 41*
This is phenomenal! I like this so much!
I'd love to learn more about this cutie! She seems really nice! Plus, I really like that "closeted DnD player" side-life. Hee hee.
I dunno what to tell you about myself.
I like music and video games, and I've been for years. Also, I like Roll. (:
– Current header / icon from
"Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney"
Created by and © Capcom Co, Ltd.
United States
Joined on 6/26/02