The 'tooniness only adds to the charm of my all-time favorite character, I feel. ƐX
The 'tooniness only adds to the charm of my all-time favorite character, I feel. ƐX
Heck yeah, I do~
Well! This is freaking awesome!
There's something wrong with her right hand, but otherwise, this is perfect! ♥
Hugable, lovable, glitchy ENA~ ♥
Hey, look! It's all the playable characters in Mega Man Maker! ᗡX
That's them, officer! :D
I genuinely forgot you drew Roll!
She looks so awesome in your style~
I will always and forever adore and love your Roll drawings, SoSho~ ♥
Thanks! I should draw her again~ Her shapes are very fun
This got on the front page, a couple years ago.
This deserved it. (:
I dunno what to tell you about myself.
I like music and video games, and I've been for years. Also, I like Roll. (:
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"Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney"
Created by and © Capcom Co, Ltd.
United States
Joined on 6/26/02