Zero, the Legendary Irregular Hunter
So. . . This judge's axe comes down upon this sprite movie. . .but is it truly all that is it cracked up to be? We shall find out.
With the exception of the explosions, still-frame portraits, and the "charge" effect on Zero(which came from SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos), all graphics in this particular movie have been painstakingly ripped from the Rockman Zero series of games. The quality is pretty decent, too. Even better is the fact that there are no x1 pixels placed on x2(or higher) bodies, faces, or otherwise. This gets bonus points with me, but the fact that you mixed games does not. Regardless, graphics still gets a very high score.
The style of the movie seems to follow along the main plot of Rockman Zero 3 for the most part, with the exception of the Neo Arcadians deciding to turn against Dr. Veil and Omega X. The way this is pulled of, however, is pretty original. . . However, during the fight scenes, I noticed some rather odd-looking motions preformed by Zero in particular -- ones that look. . .dare I say. . .a little on the lazy, or rushed side. It's not enough to damage the score too much, though. Just enough to be noticable.
Most of the sound effects used were ripped from Rockman X(X1) due to convenience-sake, I would guess. This doesn't. . .oh, who am I kidding. This kind of sucks. In my opinion, anyway. You could have at LEAST ripped sound effects from Rockman X4, X5, or X6 if you weren't going to use the sounds from Rockman Zero.(And don't tell me at least ONE of those games doesn't have some sort of Sound or Music Test option on it. I know for a fact X5 does. Just not entirely sure if it's Sound AND Music, or just Music. It's been a while.) But, I digress. This doesn't hurt the movie too badly in the end.
The voices, however. . . Some of the voices in this movie are simply unforgivable. Particularly the voices of Kyubit Foxstar, Childre Inarabitta, and of course, Zero. ESPECIALLY Zero.(Watch the first combat scene. Hearing him grunt and mock so much gets really annoying after a while. Kind of like in Rockman X4, heh heh!) . . .It's like ShoPro was running the thing or something. But I have to admit, the emotions captured in the voice acting generally seemed to fit the given scenes.
There was enough violence in this movie to satisfy even the most bloodthirsty person looking to see robots get torn apart, sliced in half, and just generally messed-up. Though not pegged as a violent movie(as a "selling point," I mean), this actually DOES effect the overall score for once.
Zero interactivity. Why? In my opinion, interactivity only counts in games, or in movies with non-obvious Easter Eggs. Seeing as there was no mention of such things in this movie, the score lies at zero.(Does not effect overall score.)
Two words. "Naruto sucks." Regardless, I suppose the Naruto bonus scene could be considered "humorous," even if it's honestly not. It's just corny.(Does not effect overall score.)
So. . .in closing, is this movie worth watching? Only if you consider yourself a Rockman Zero fan, or even a general Rockman fan. This is a very worthy addition to any Rockman fan's favorites, and I genuinely look forward to the next episode.